Is Every Christian a Missionary?

Every member of the body of Christ plays a role in the Great Commission. But not everyone is a pioneering, Pauline-type missionary focusing on the least-reached.

With missions defined, next we ask, “What is a missionary?” And Scripture has a surprising answer.

Some have said that the word “missionary” is not in the Bible, but that isn’t quite true. We derive words like missionary and missions from the Latin missio, which simply means sending. The Greek equivalent is apostelló, from which the word apostle comes. While there were only twelve Apostles—“sent ones”—commissioned by Jesus to lay the foundation of the church, in a broader sense, anyone who is “sent” carrying the gospel message is a similar type of missionary ambassador.

We would think, then, that a missionary is simply sent to win as many converts as possible. But that wasn’t the Apostle Paul’s job description. After spending only a short time traversing the Roman Empire and planting churches in a handful of key towns, Paul says, “[F]rom Jerusalem and all the way around to Illyricum I have fulfilled the ministry of the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:19). How had he “fulfilled” the ministry of the gospel—as in, mission accomplishedwhen millions of lost people remained throughout the Roman world?

It isn’t the missionary’s aim, necessarily, to see every single individual won to faith. Rather, a missionary is one who serves in a culture long enough to see a healthy church form, full of converts capable of evangelizing the rest of their people. Paul established churches as beachheads to ensure that the gospel would spread. When a healthy church with qualified leaders was in planted and ready to own the mission for themselves, Paul’s work was done.

In recent years, a grotesquely disproportionate number of missionaries have been sent to minister in places that have already been “reached”—where there are already enough believers already present to evangelize the rest. According to the Joshua Project, more than 90% of missionaries serve “reached” people groups.

Meanwhile, the “unreached”—those who have little or no access to the gospel, with no churches or believers in their context to share with them—comprise about 7,000 people groups. That totals about nearly 4 billion people who have never heard of Christ. Most of these people groups live in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, India, and the Pacific Islands, a region of the world known as the 10/40 Window (based on lines of latitude and longitude).

Unlike most in the West who could easily hear the gospel through a Christian friend or nearby church, unreached people generally have no churches to visit, friends to call, or sermons to stumble upon on the radio. Though some heard of a “Jesus,” they have never understood the gospel itself. They are lost.

God may be drawing you to become a Pauline-type, pioneering missionary, “fulfilling the ministry of the gospel” among people who will otherwise perish without hearing about Jesus. Or perhaps he is leading you to be a Timothy-type missionary who comes in after the pioneer to strengthen and build young communities of faith (1 Timothy 1:3, 2 Timothy 2:1-2).

[N]ot everyone can be a missionary. But everyone can have a part in the bigger task—by going, sending, supporting, or mobilizing others.

Either way, a missionary isn’t just an adventurous, free spirit stirred by a noble social cause. A missionary preaches the gospel with the aim of starting churches that can reach people groups among whom Jesus isn’t yet known and worshiped.

From this definition, it’s clear that not everyone can be a missionary. But everyone can have a part in the bigger task—by going, sending, supporting, or mobilizing others. What is your role?

Do you long to devote your life to this task? Do you have the desire to cross-cultural boundaries, or help send those who do? If so, God’s Spirit may be directing you. We implore you to pray, study God’s word, and obey God wherever he leads. Eternity hangs in the balance for billions.

Editor’s Note: This article is part 2 in a series covering the basics of missions adapted from ABWE’s Guide for the Journey resource, and was originally published in March 2019.