The Hangout – College Student Outreach


The Hangout is “a place to relax and connect” in a comfortable space. It allows students and local business people to have a place to feel at home and feel like they belong. Some people come every day others at least once or twice a week. They spend hours at a time talking, reading, playing board games, and drinking coffee. 

Our main objective is to show the love of Christ to each person that comes in. There is also a large amount of counseling that happens and we seek to give Biblical advice. This kind of evangelism takes time and dedication, but we are so thankful to be blessed to be able to do so. 

Gifts to the Hangout are used to help provide free coffee and maintain food prices low for the students. Also, the monthly rent costs are provided for through donations. Donations to this need (around $470 monthly) will help keep this ministry open and sharing God's love for a long time to come.

How To Get Involved

  1. Pray for the Hangout ministry and opportunities to share the Gospel
  2. Consider a short-term trip to help serve coffee and cookies and build relationships at the Hangout.
  3. Gifts towards to supplying coffee ($20 monthly) and rent ($470 monthly)
  4. Email [email protected]

students and local
business people
A Month
provides coffee
A Month
provides rent

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Erin S. Wawro

Erin serves in São Leopoldo, Brazil as a church planting assistant.