After growing up in New England and working both secular jobs and jobs for Christian organizations, God called me into missions in 2014. After serving in Nicaragua as a short-termer helping with a church plant in San Juan del Sur, God brought me back long term in February 2021. In my spare time I enjoy music and photography.

Serving in Many Ways

God keeps opening new opportunities and ways of serving here. One-on-one evangelism and discipleship. Assisting church plants with children, teens, and women's ministries. Helping those who are hurting from past hard things. Teaching the Bible. Classes for pastors' wives.

When You Get Involved

Your regular giving is what allows me to remain on the field. Your giving helps provide Bibles, study books, supplies and other resources for the churches.

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How To Stay Connected

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  2. Sign up as a prayer partner
  3. Sign up to be a monthly financial partner
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Compassion - Central America

Providing resources and compassionate care during times of natural disaster, war and crisis—where it's needed most.