Workplace Evangelism


The Position

Take the gospel to professionals in meaningful, creative and appropriate ways. This ministry is under the leadership of a well-established Australian organization that operates in every capital city on the continent. The position involves networking, event set-up, follow-up on contacts, and organizational skills. Applicants must be approved by both ABWE and the Australian organization.

The Need

More than a million people commute into the Central Business District of Sydney every weekday. The same happens in all capital cities. With working hours and commute times growing longer, the best opportunity to intersect with people about the gospel is in the workplace.

The Impact

Influence the influencers – that is what this ministry does. When a highly disciplined and connected person comes to faith, the gospel naturally flows to others. The workplaces of Australia are teaming with competent people from all over the world.

Not sure if you are a perfect fit?

You don't have to be! Learn how we can train you or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions.