Medical Personnel


The Position

Our team needs medical personnel with specialties and experience in nursing, community health, general medicine, obstetrics and pediatrics to serve at the New Life Prenatal Center — a well-established evangelistic crisis pregnancy center that offers sonograms and counsel for crisis pregnancies, prenatal checkups throughout the pregnancy, and postnatal and pediatric checkups to over 500 women a year in Lima, Peru. This opportunity would also include involvement in various local church ministries according to your gifts and interests.

Requirements Include:

  • A willingness to develop a grasp of the Spanish language and Peruvian culture
  • A US Degree
  • A year or more of study in a Peruvian medical university (in Spanish) to receive a license to practice medicine in Peru

Ministry Focuses

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You don't have to be! Learn how we can train you or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions.