Counselors and Compassion Workers


The Position

We have opportunities to reach marginalized groups like the deaf, single moms and vulnerable families. We are looking for two full-time missionaries, and, with a family and prenatal counseling ministry in the works, we’d also love several counselors to join our team.

The Need

Chile’s recent history has left her youth and children lost in confusion, and Chilean church leaders are waiting to welcome you with open arms as their coworkers and fellow servants of the cause of Christ. Chile is becoming a launching pad for missionaries into unreached areas of the world and even across traditional boarders into other North, Central and South American countries.

The Impact

Originally focused in the capital of Chile, the church-planting efforts of our team and our partners are now spreading into other cities. This type of church multiplication can be achieved more readily when done by both missionaries and national pastors. Will you join the team and help support Chilean believers as they grow the church in Chile through a variety of a evangelism and discipleship ministries and outreaches?

Not sure if you are a perfect fit?

You don't have to be! Learn how we can train you or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions.